Be Confident Now

by | Sep 29, 2015 | Creative Comprehension | 0 comments

I have had issues with confidence and trust throughout my life. The problem was not with others or the environment, but with me. I would play the part of the antagonist in my mind, critiquing and berating myself for perceived misdoings or inaction. I realize now that this mental occupation is not only useless, but it suspends my focus in the past or future. I didn’t have confidence in myself because I was constantly undermining myself, focusing on what could have or should have been.

Instead of judging myself positively or negatively, I should simply focus on the moment. If I focus on this moment and do all that I can do right now, I am confident that I have done all I need to. Being confident in my action, I can trust that the best possible outcome will arise – without knowing exactly what that might be.

The key to confidence is conviction. You must be 100% convinced that everything will work out if you consciously play your part in the moment. Work it out in your mind: if you are doing everything you can do right now, how can the future be less than optimal?

How can there be a problem in the future if you always take care of the problems now? Problems only ever arise in the present. If you think you see a problem in the future, recognize that there must be a problem right now that could evolve into that future problem. Through dealing with that problem now, it will not evolve into a larger problem.

Do not mistake this confidence as a justification of laziness: you are always playing an active role in shaping the change that determines our future experience whether you act or not. This confidence is the result of your choice to be a conscious and active participant in this moment.

Do all that you can do right now, and trust that this is enough.