The Antidote to Fear and Anxiety

The Antidote to Fear and Anxiety

Are you constantly stressed about the future? Do you often get caught up imagining the worst possible outcomes? Do you want to get out of that cycle of anxiety and stress? If you said yes, this article is for you.

The opposite of fear is trust. If you have fear, you have no trust. If you have trust, there’s no room for fear.

Fear can be a powerful motivator. From a survival standpoint, it helps you avoid dangerous people and situations. Yet if it’s taken out of that context, or if your fears are heightened by certain unprocessed experiences of your past, they can lead you to self-sabotage and suffering.

The Agony of ‘What If?’

This is where anxiety comes to play, imagining the worst possible scenarios and outcomes, which can keep you from pursuing your dreams or even just getting out of the house.

In that state, you’re worried about what might happen – that something won’t go your way, that someone will do something to you, or that you won’t have what it takes to see something through. More importantly, you believe that the worst possible scenario is bound to happen.

Recognizing the Unknown

Yet it’s all hypothetical, nothing has happened. The mind is projecting based on what has happened in your past, but you can’t see the future. If you could, what would there be to be afraid of!

Since you can’t see the future, the truth is that you have no idea what will happen. It’s a big unknown. That’s a scary thought at first, but if you let it marinate, it can become empowering.

You see, there’s a big choice you have to make – a choice about how you want to see what lies ahead, about how you want to interpret the world around you and your place in it.

Will You Choose Fear or Trust?

The unknown is filled with infinite possibilities, both good and bad. If you choose fear, you’re choosing to focus on the worst things that can happen. If you choose trust, you’re choosing to believe that the best things that can happen.

You may be thinking, what difference does it make?

It makes a world of difference, more than I can fully capture with words. When you plan a vacation, do you focus your energy on finding your dream destination, or on researching all the worst places to go? Your dream destination I hope! Choosing between fear and trust has similar implications for your life, it’s all about how you’re steering your ship.

Comparing Your Options

When you live in fear, you’re out of touch with the present moment. You’re lost. Whatever nightmarish situations you’re imagining may as well already be happening because that’s what it feels like in your mind. You’re too busy thinking about the future to take advantage of the opportunities right in front of your face.

On the other hand, when you live in trust, you’re deeply rooted in the here and now. The future is of no concern because you know that by seizing the opportunities in front of you, you’re doing all that is needed. Inner peace and balance come naturally; you’re flowing with the way things are.

So, How Do You Make Trust Your Default?

By recognizing deep inside that the world isn’t out to get you, it’s out to grow you. That foundational perspective ensures that no matter what happens, you’ll be better because of it. Not by accident, but because you’re choosing to use every experience as fuel for your personal growth.



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Ben Fairbrother

Ben Fairbrother

Emotional Health Coach

I help others master their emotions and build better relationships with self-love.