Money Buys Pleasure, Not Happiness

Money Buys Pleasure, Not Happiness

We are often told that money can’t buy happiness, but there is sometimes a gap in understanding why. Having a lot of money certainly provides freedom, and you can buy things that you imagine would make you happy, but in reality these things just bring pleasure. Pleasure is temporary, a short term excitement that passes with the novelty of the experience. This is what money is very good for acquiring.

Happiness is an entirely different story, it relates to how we perceive ourselves, our situation, and our overall place in the world. If you are not happy without money, acquiring it will not magically change that. The good news is that you have full control over your happiness by changing how you perceive yourself and your situation.

If you do not appreciate your day to day life, including all the opportunities and people in it, how can you expect to be happy? Start saying thank you for everything. Be grateful to your family, friends, coworkers, and for yourself. Appreciate all that you have, stop taking it for granted.

If you are grateful for your experience, happiness will naturally spring up from within.

If you constantly seek the next pleasure, you will never be satisfied.

Stop looking outside of yourself for things to make you happy – only you can make yourself happy by altering your perception. Take responsibility for your mental state, no one else can alter your feelings without your allowance. Simply because something bad happens does not mean you must react in a negative way or hold on to the negativity.

Give up dependence on your situation, when you no longer see yourself as the victim you can decide how you want to feel. Why should you continue to allow external factors to dictate your internal state?

1 Comment

  1. Brian

    Being grateful is sound advice, all to often, life is taken for granted, it is good to be reminded that I experience an abundance of gifts and grace daily. For me, though, happiness is not the goal, rather it is contentment.

    My faith provides that peace, so in that regard it is both internal and external to me. I find when I am connected to my God, peace (contentment) reigns, despite what tribulation or condition worldly influences bear upon me.


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Ben Fairbrother

Ben Fairbrother

I’m an Empowerment Coach here to help you expand your potential by releasing limitations that are holding you back.